How To Help Your Children Be Prepared For Emergencies While You Are Away


It will be a great day in your family's history when your kids are old enough to be left by themselves. That will mean that you feel they are responsible enough to take care of themselves and to make sure the house is secure. It's still a good idea to take some precautions so that, if a crisis does arrive, your kids will be ready to face it. From the lights going out to being locked out of the house, here are some ideas that might help you to make sure your children are ready to face unexpected problems. 

Have A Family Meeting - Even before your first outing without the kids happens, it will be good to establish some rules. If your oldest child is super responsible, put that child in charge of making things going smoothly. However, give the other kids responsibilities, too, so that they will feel important and so the oldest child isn't overly burdened. For example, the oldest child might be in charge of making sure that the younger kids stay in the house. Another child could be in charge of activities like setting up a board game or setting out snacks for watching a movie. One child might be responsible for answering phone calls. Leave a credit card that will be used only in case of an emergency or for only items you have permitted and give your most responsible child access to it and directions on how to use it.

Setting Up A Backup Plan - Think of scenarios that probably will not happen, but that could happen.  

  • For example, in case you lose power, have lanterns for the rooms your children will most likely be in. Another good idea is to give each child his or her own flashlight. Make sure they always keep it in the same place so they'll know right where to find them. Have plenty of spare batteries handy.
  • Another potential problem would be a toilet overflowing. Leave the name of a plumber that the kids can call right away so that floors and carpets won't be permanently damaged.
  • If the kids have been given permission to go places, there is always the possibility that they will lock themselves out of the house. If you are nearby, that's not a huge problem since they can just call you to let them in the house. However, if that's not always going to be the case. Key in the name and phone number of a nearby locksmith on your children's cell phones.
  • Call the locksmith (such as one from Redmond Lock & Key) that you have decided to use and explain that there might be a time that your children might call in the case they've locked themselves out. Establish the fact that your child has a credit card to pay for services.
  • You can be sure that the company that sends a locksmith to your home will send a trusted individual who has the training and the tools to give your children access to entering the house again.

Of course, your first outings without the children will probably be short ones. When the children are old enough to be left without a sitter, you might even go away for an overnight stay. You'll know when the kids are ready for that. 


13 April 2016

Protecting Your Tween While Home Alone

Letting your tween stay home alone for the first time may be an exciting experience for them, but it likely makes you a little worried. To give yourself some peace of mind and to help protect your tween while home alone, it’s a good idea to create a safety kit and store it in a safe place that can be accessed from outside of the house, like in a locked box in the garage, that can be used in case of emergencies. The kit should include first-aid items, emergency phone numbers, and even a prepaid cell phone. You should also have your locksmith change all of the locks for a fresh start and make two copies of the new keys for your tween – one to keep with them at all times, and one to hide outside in case the first is lost.