Six Easy Way To Make Your Home More Secure


A burglary is committed in the United States approximately every 15 seconds, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That's more than 2.1 million burglaries every year. That's a worrisome statistic for any homeowner. Fortunately, there are several easy things you can do to keep your home more secure. Easy and affordable ideas for keeping your home secure from burglars 1. Use your door and window locks. This may seem obvious, but how many times have you left your windows open while you ran to the store or left your front door unlocked while you were in the basement or gardening in the back yard?

3 May 2016

How To Help Your Children Be Prepared For Emergencies While You Are Away


It will be a great day in your family's history when your kids are old enough to be left by themselves. That will mean that you feel they are responsible enough to take care of themselves and to make sure the house is secure. It's still a good idea to take some precautions so that, if a crisis does arrive, your kids will be ready to face it. From the lights going out to being locked out of the house, here are some ideas that might help you to make sure your children are ready to face unexpected problems.

13 April 2016

3 Car Key And Fob Replacement Options To Consider


One of the most annoying things that can happen with your vehicle is that you break or lose your key or key fob, mostly because replacing those items can often be inconvenient or expensive. Listed below are three car key replacement options to consider that can make the whole process easier and more convenient for you.  Auto Locksmith An auto locksmith can often be a great resource for replacing your lost car keys in many cases, usually because they can replace most types of car keys for a fraction of the cost that you would typically spend at a dealership to order a new key.

1 March 2016

3 Reasons To Partner With An Emergency Locksmith In The Future


Many drivers lock their keys in their vehicle at some point during their driving career. Unless you keep a spare set of keys in your wallet, it can be almost impossible to gain access to a vehicle once the keys are locked inside. Partnering with an emergency locksmith could be a simple solution for getting you back on the road again.  Here are three reasons why calling a locksmith the next time your keys are locked in your car can be beneficial.

5 January 2016

An ABC Rule Set To Keep Safe While Waiting On A Locksmith After Dark


In a hurry and your mind full of everything that needs to be done at the end of the day, it is all too easy to absentmindedly leave your keys in your car and slam the door shut behind you. Unfortunately, these situations can leave you in some fairly alarming scenarios as a driver--especially when it's late at night, but even worse if it's late at night and you are in a strange place.

26 December 2015

How Your Locksmith Can Increase Home Security At The Holidays


With expensive gifts being bought and stored on your property, home security is more important than ever at the holidays. Unfortunately, many homes have weak locks at their home entry points, making breaking in an easy task for many experienced intruders and burglars. Knowing how to protect your home with lock rekeying services can help you avoid a home invasion and burglary. Change Your Front Door Deadbolt Consumer Reports recommends that your front door deadbolt should have a 1-inch-long deadbolt, reinforced metal box strike and 3-inch-long screws holding the lock into place on the door jamb.

26 December 2015

Choosing The Best Way To Break Into Your Home


If you are locked out of your home, the most obvious solution is to contact a locksmith, like the ones at The Lock Shop. However, if you do not want to wait for a locksmith to arrive, you may want to find other ways that you can get inside your home. Breaking A Window The worst approach is to break a window. However, if there is an emergency, such as if you have a little one inside who could be put in danger, you may want to break a window.

23 December 2015